
Click Your Loan Amount

And See How Much

You Can Save With Presto!

$500 Title Loan / 12 Months*

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 99.90% 204%
Monthly Payment $67 $99
Finance Charges $307 $697
Total of Payments $807 $1,197

Your Interest Rate is
51% Lower
You Save
$32 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$389 with Presto

$1,000 Title Loan / 24 Months*

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 89.90% 180%
Monthly Payment $91 $155
Finance Charges $1,179 $2,717
Total of Payments $2,179 $3,717

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$64 Monthly
Total Savings of
$1,538 with Presto

$1,500 Title Loan / 24 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 89.90% 180%
Monthly Payment $136 $232
Finance Charges $1,769 $4,074
Total of Payments $3,269 $5,574

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$96 Monthly
Total Savings of
$2,305 with Presto

$2,000 Title Loan / 24 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 89.90% 180%
Monthly Payment $182 $309
Finance Charges $2,359 $5,432
Total of Payments $4,359 $7,432

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$128 Monthly
Total Savings of
$3,073 with Presto

$2,500 Title Loan / 24 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 89.90% 180%
Monthly Payment $227 $387
Finance Charges $2,948 $6,791
Total of Payments $5,448 $9,291

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$160 Monthly
Total Savings of
$3,842 with Presto

$3,000 Title Loan / 30 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 77.90% 156%
Monthly Payment $229 $399
Finance Charges $3,875 $8,967
Total of Payments $6,875 $11,967

Your Interest Rate is
78% Lower
You Save
$170 Monthly
Total Savings of
$5,093 with Presto

$3,500 Title Loan / 30 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 77.90% 156%
Monthly Payment $267 $465
Finance Charges $4,521 $10,461
Total of Payments $8,021 $13,961

Your Interest Rate is
78% Lower
You Save
$198 Monthly
Total Savings of
$5,941 with Presto

$4,000 Title Loan / 36 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 77.90% 156%
Monthly Payment $289 $526
Finance Charges $6,415 $14,892
Total of Payments $10,415 $18,892

Your Interest Rate is
78% Lower
You Save
$235 Monthly
Total Savings of
$8,477 with Presto

$5,000 Title Loan / 36 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 77.90% 120%
Monthly Payment $362 $563
Finance Charges $8,019 $14,689
Total of Payments $13,019 $19,689

Your Interest Rate is
42% Lower
You Save
$201 Monthly
Total Savings of
$6,670 with Presto

$6,000 Title Loan / 36 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 77.90% 120%
Monthly Payment $434 $618
Finance Charges $9,623 $16,226
Total of Payments $15,623 $22,266

Your Interest Rate is
35% Lower
You Save
$184 Monthly
Total Savings of
$6,643 with Presto

$7,000 Title Loan / 36 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 77.90% 120%
Monthly Payment $506 $722
Finance Charges $11,226 $18,978
Total of Payments $18,226 $25,978

Your Interest Rate is
35% Lower
You Save
$215 Monthly
Total Savings of
$7,751 with Presto

$8,000 Title Loan / 36 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 77.90% 120%
Monthly Payment $578 $824
Finance Charges $12,830 $21,687
Total of Payments $20,830 $29,687

Your Interest Rate is
35% Lower
You Save
$246 Monthly
Total Savings of
$8,857 with Presto

$9,000 Title Loan / 36 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 77.90% 120%
Monthly Payment $650 $927
Finance Charges $14,433 $24,399
Total of Payments $23,433 $33,399

Your Interest Rate is
35% Lower
You Save
$276 Monthly
Total Savings of
$9,966 with Presto

$10,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $552 $1,030
Finance Charges $16,524 $27,108
Total of Payments $26,524 $37,108

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$455 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$21,883 with Presto

$11,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $607 $1,109
Finance Charges $18,177 $42,249
Total of Payments $29,188 $53,249

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$501 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$24,061 with Presto

$12,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $663 $1,210
Finance Charges $19,829 $46,092
Total of Payments $31,829 $58,092

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$547 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$26,262 with Presto

$13,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $718 $1,311
Finance Charges $21,482 $49,933
Total of Payments $34,482 $62,933

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$592 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$28,250 with Presto

$14,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $773 $1,411
Finance Charges $23,135 $53,775
Total of Payments $37,135 $67,775

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$638 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$30,640 with Presto

$15,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $828 $1,512
Finance Charges $24,787 $57,616
Total of Payments $39,787 $72,616

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$683 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$32,828 with Presto

$16,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $884 $1,613
Finance Charges $26,440 $61,448
Total of Payments $42,440 $77,448

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$729 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$35,007 with Presto

$17,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $939 $1,714
Finance Charges $28,093 $65,291
Total of Payments $45,093 $82,291

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$775 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$37,198 with Presto

$18,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $994 $1,815
Finance Charges $29,745 $69,131
Total of Payments $47,745 $87,131

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$820 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$39,385 with Presto

$19,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,049 $1,916
Finance Charges $31,398 $72,975
Total of Payments $50,398 $91,975

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$866 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$41,576 with Presto

$20,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,105 $2,017
Finance Charges $33,049 $76,816
Total of Payments $53,049 $96,816

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$911 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$43,766 with Presto

$21,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,161 $2,121
Finance Charges $34,746 $80,811
Total of Payments $55,746 $101,811

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$963 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$46,064 with Presto

$22,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,216 $2,225
Finance Charges $36,400 $84,659
Total of Payments $58,400 $106,659

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,009 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$48,258 with Presto

$23,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,272 $2,326
Finance Charges $38,055 $88,507
Total of Payments $61,055 $111,507

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,054 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$50,451 with Presto

$24,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,327 $2,427
Finance Charges $39,709 $92,355
Total of Payments $63,709 $116,355

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,100 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$52,646 with Presto

$25,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,382 $2,528
Finance Charges $41,364 $96,203
Total of Payments $66,364 $121,203

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,146 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$54,839 with Presto

$26,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,438 $2,629
Finance Charges $43,019 $100,051
Total of Payments $69,019 $126,051

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,191 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$57,031 with Presto

$27,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,493 $2,731
Finance Charges $44,673 $103,900
Total of Payments $71,673 $130,900

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,238 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$59,227 with Presto

$28,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,548 $2,831
Finance Charges $46,328 $107,748
Total of Payments $74,328 $135,748

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,283 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$61,419 with Presto

$29,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,603 $2,933
Finance Charges $47,982 $111,596
Total of Payments $76,982 $140,596

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,330 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$63,613 with Presto

$30,000 Title Loan / 48 Months

Let’s Compare: Presto Competitors
Interest Rate 60.00% 120%
Monthly Payment $1,659 $3,035
Finance Charges $49,637 $115,445
Total of Payments $79,637 $145,445

Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,376 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$65,808 with Presto

Over $30,000 Title Loan

For loans greater than $30,000 contact our Customer Service Department at

(602) 277-2000

*Borrower must pledge an unencumbered vehicle title as collateral. Payment amounts and finance charges are close approximations. Actual payment amounts, finance charges, and savings may very slightly. Loan underwriting limitations and vehicle appraisal may apply.