Click Your Loan Amount
And See How Much
You Can Save With Presto!
$500 Title Loan / 12 Months*
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 99.90% | 204% |
Monthly Payment | $67 | $99 |
Finance Charges | $307 | $697 |
Total of Payments | $807 | $1,197 |
Your Interest Rate is
51% Lower
You Save
$32 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$389 with Presto
$1,000 Title Loan / 24 Months*
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 89.90% | 180% |
Monthly Payment | $91 | $155 |
Finance Charges | $1,179 | $2,717 |
Total of Payments | $2,179 | $3,717 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$64 Monthly
Total Savings of
$1,538 with Presto
$1,500 Title Loan / 24 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 89.90% | 180% |
Monthly Payment | $136 | $232 |
Finance Charges | $1,769 | $4,074 |
Total of Payments | $3,269 | $5,574 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$96 Monthly
Total Savings of
$2,305 with Presto
$2,000 Title Loan / 24 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 89.90% | 180% |
Monthly Payment | $182 | $309 |
Finance Charges | $2,359 | $5,432 |
Total of Payments | $4,359 | $7,432 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$128 Monthly
Total Savings of
$3,073 with Presto
$2,500 Title Loan / 24 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 89.90% | 180% |
Monthly Payment | $227 | $387 |
Finance Charges | $2,948 | $6,791 |
Total of Payments | $5,448 | $9,291 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$160 Monthly
Total Savings of
$3,842 with Presto
$3,000 Title Loan / 30 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 77.90% | 156% |
Monthly Payment | $229 | $399 |
Finance Charges | $3,875 | $8,967 |
Total of Payments | $6,875 | $11,967 |
Your Interest Rate is
78% Lower
You Save
$170 Monthly
Total Savings of
$5,093 with Presto
$3,500 Title Loan / 30 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 77.90% | 156% |
Monthly Payment | $267 | $465 |
Finance Charges | $4,521 | $10,461 |
Total of Payments | $8,021 | $13,961 |
Your Interest Rate is
78% Lower
You Save
$198 Monthly
Total Savings of
$5,941 with Presto
$4,000 Title Loan / 36 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 77.90% | 156% |
Monthly Payment | $289 | $526 |
Finance Charges | $6,415 | $14,892 |
Total of Payments | $10,415 | $18,892 |
Your Interest Rate is
78% Lower
You Save
$235 Monthly
Total Savings of
$8,477 with Presto
$5,000 Title Loan / 36 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 77.90% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $362 | $563 |
Finance Charges | $8,019 | $14,689 |
Total of Payments | $13,019 | $19,689 |
Your Interest Rate is
42% Lower
You Save
$201 Monthly
Total Savings of
$6,670 with Presto
$6,000 Title Loan / 36 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 77.90% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $434 | $618 |
Finance Charges | $9,623 | $16,226 |
Total of Payments | $15,623 | $22,266 |
Your Interest Rate is
35% Lower
You Save
$184 Monthly
Total Savings of
$6,643 with Presto
$7,000 Title Loan / 36 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 77.90% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $506 | $722 |
Finance Charges | $11,226 | $18,978 |
Total of Payments | $18,226 | $25,978 |
Your Interest Rate is
35% Lower
You Save
$215 Monthly
Total Savings of
$7,751 with Presto
$8,000 Title Loan / 36 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 77.90% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $578 | $824 |
Finance Charges | $12,830 | $21,687 |
Total of Payments | $20,830 | $29,687 |
Your Interest Rate is
35% Lower
You Save
$246 Monthly
Total Savings of
$8,857 with Presto
$9,000 Title Loan / 36 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 77.90% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $650 | $927 |
Finance Charges | $14,433 | $24,399 |
Total of Payments | $23,433 | $33,399 |
Your Interest Rate is
35% Lower
You Save
$276 Monthly
Total Savings of
$9,966 with Presto
$10,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $552 | $1,030 |
Finance Charges | $16,524 | $27,108 |
Total of Payments | $26,524 | $37,108 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$455 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$21,883 with Presto
$11,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $607 | $1,109 |
Finance Charges | $18,177 | $42,249 |
Total of Payments | $29,188 | $53,249 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$501 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$24,061 with Presto
$12,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $663 | $1,210 |
Finance Charges | $19,829 | $46,092 |
Total of Payments | $31,829 | $58,092 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$547 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$26,262 with Presto
$13,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $718 | $1,311 |
Finance Charges | $21,482 | $49,933 |
Total of Payments | $34,482 | $62,933 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$592 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$28,250 with Presto
$14,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $773 | $1,411 |
Finance Charges | $23,135 | $53,775 |
Total of Payments | $37,135 | $67,775 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$638 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$30,640 with Presto
$15,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $828 | $1,512 |
Finance Charges | $24,787 | $57,616 |
Total of Payments | $39,787 | $72,616 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$683 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$32,828 with Presto
$16,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $884 | $1,613 |
Finance Charges | $26,440 | $61,448 |
Total of Payments | $42,440 | $77,448 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$729 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$35,007 with Presto
$17,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $939 | $1,714 |
Finance Charges | $28,093 | $65,291 |
Total of Payments | $45,093 | $82,291 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$775 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$37,198 with Presto
$18,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $994 | $1,815 |
Finance Charges | $29,745 | $69,131 |
Total of Payments | $47,745 | $87,131 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$820 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$39,385 with Presto
$19,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,049 | $1,916 |
Finance Charges | $31,398 | $72,975 |
Total of Payments | $50,398 | $91,975 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$866 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$41,576 with Presto
$20,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,105 | $2,017 |
Finance Charges | $33,049 | $76,816 |
Total of Payments | $53,049 | $96,816 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$911 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$43,766 with Presto
$21,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,161 | $2,121 |
Finance Charges | $34,746 | $80,811 |
Total of Payments | $55,746 | $101,811 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$963 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$46,064 with Presto
$22,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,216 | $2,225 |
Finance Charges | $36,400 | $84,659 |
Total of Payments | $58,400 | $106,659 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,009 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$48,258 with Presto
$23,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,272 | $2,326 |
Finance Charges | $38,055 | $88,507 |
Total of Payments | $61,055 | $111,507 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,054 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$50,451 with Presto
$24,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,327 | $2,427 |
Finance Charges | $39,709 | $92,355 |
Total of Payments | $63,709 | $116,355 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,100 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$52,646 with Presto
$25,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,382 | $2,528 |
Finance Charges | $41,364 | $96,203 |
Total of Payments | $66,364 | $121,203 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,146 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$54,839 with Presto
$26,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,438 | $2,629 |
Finance Charges | $43,019 | $100,051 |
Total of Payments | $69,019 | $126,051 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,191 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$57,031 with Presto
$27,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,493 | $2,731 |
Finance Charges | $44,673 | $103,900 |
Total of Payments | $71,673 | $130,900 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,238 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$59,227 with Presto
$28,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,548 | $2,831 |
Finance Charges | $46,328 | $107,748 |
Total of Payments | $74,328 | $135,748 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,283 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$61,419 with Presto
$29,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,603 | $2,933 |
Finance Charges | $47,982 | $111,596 |
Total of Payments | $76,982 | $140,596 |
Your Interest Rate is
50% Lower
You Save
$1,330 Monthly
with a Total Savings of
$63,613 with Presto
$30,000 Title Loan / 48 Months
Let’s Compare: | Presto | Competitors |
Interest Rate | 60.00% | 120% |
Monthly Payment | $1,659 | $3,035 |
Finance Charges | $49,637 | $115,445 |
Total of Payments | $79,637 | $145,445 |