Select Your Loan Amount to
See How Much You Will Save With Presto!
$500 Title Loan / 12 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
99.40% |
203.59% |
Monthly Payment |
$68 |
$85 |
Finance Charges |
$308 |
$1,020 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$500 |
Total of Payments |
$808 |
$1520 |
Total Savings: $712 With Presto!
$1,000 Title Loan / 24 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage (APR) |
89.63% |
179.62% |
Monthly Payment |
$91 |
$150 |
Finance Charges |
$1,179 |
$3,600 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$1000 |
Total of Payments |
$2,179 |
$4600 |
Total Savings: $2,421With Presto!
$1,500 Title Loan / 24 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
89.63% |
179.62% |
Monthly Payment |
$137 |
$225 |
Finance Charges |
$1,769 |
$5,400 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$1500 |
Total of Payments |
$3,269 |
$6,900 |
Total Savings: $3,631 With Presto!
$2,000 Title Loan / 24 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
89.63% |
179.62% |
Monthly Payment |
$182 |
$300 |
Finance Charges |
$2,359 |
$7,200 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$2,000 |
Total of Payments |
$4,359 |
$9,200 |
Total Savings: $4,841 With Presto!
$2,500 Title Loan / 24 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
89.63% |
179.62% |
Monthly Payment |
$227 |
$375 |
Finance Charges |
$2,948 |
$9,000 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$2,500 |
Total of Payments |
$5,448 |
$11,500 |
Total Savings: $6,052 With Presto!
$3,000 Title Loan / 30 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
77.71% |
155.67% |
Monthly Payment |
$230 |
$390 |
Finance Charges |
$3,875 |
$11,700 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$3000 |
Total of Payments |
$6,875 |
$14,700 |
Total Savings: $7,825 With Presto!
$3,500 Title Loan / 30 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
77.71% |
155.67% |
Monthly Payment |
$268 |
$455 |
Finance Charges |
$4,521 |
$13,650 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$3,500 |
Total of Payments |
$8,021 |
$17,150 |
Total Savings: $9,129 With Presto!
$4,000 Title Loan / 36 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
77.73% |
155.69% |
Monthly Payment |
$290 |
$520 |
Finance Charges |
$6,415 |
$18,720 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$4000 |
Total of Payments |
$10,415 |
$22,720 |
Total Savings: $12,305 With Presto!
$5,000 Title Loan / 36 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
77.73% |
155.50% |
Monthly Payment |
$362 |
$650 |
Finance Charges |
$8,019 |
$23,400 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$5,000 |
Total of Payments |
$13,019 |
$28,400 |
Total Savings: $15,381 With Presto!
$6,000 Title Loan / 36 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
77.73% |
119.81% |
Monthly Payment |
$434 |
$600 |
Finance Charges |
$9,623 |
$21,600 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$6,000 |
Total of Payments |
$15,623 |
$27,600 |
Total Savings: $11,977 With Presto!
$7,000 Title Loan / 36 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
77.73% |
119.80% |
Monthly Payment |
$507 |
$700 |
Finance Charges |
$11,227 |
$25,200 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$7,000 |
Total of Payments |
$18,227 |
$32,200 |
Total Savings: $13,973 With Presto!
$8,000 Title Loan / 36 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
77.73% |
119.80% |
Monthly Payment |
$579 |
$800 |
Finance Charges |
$12,830 |
$28,800 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$8,000 |
Total of Payments |
$20,830 |
$36,800 |
Total Savings: $15,970 With Presto!
$9,000 Title Loan / 36 Months*
Let’s Compare: |
Presto |
Competitors |
Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
77.73% |
119.80% |
Monthly Payment |
$651 |
$900 |
Finance Charges |
$14,434 |
$32,400 |
You Still Owe |
$0 |
$9,000 |
Total of Payments |
$23,434 |
$41,400 |
Total Savings: $17,966 With Presto!
$10,000 - $100,000 Title Loan*
For loans of $10,000 or more, contact our customer service department at (602) 277-2000
for the lowest title loan rates in Arizona!